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Besides the genealogy of the "Van der Schaaff", "Vander Schaaff" and "Vanderschaaff" families, you will find some personal subjects too.

We also welcome the visitors for the fraternity Dispuut DionySos (DionyHome and DionyGalery).

Please choose one of the pedigrees from the menu.

All genealogical data on this website (www.vanderschaaff.com) fall under the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act. This act forbids the publishing of personal data of living persons without their explicit permission.

Living persons cannot permit yet the publication of their personal data. As a result no personal data is shown of:

  • persons born or adopted after 1911 – those younger than 100 years and who are either still living or of whom I don’t have their date of death;
  • marriages and relations entered after 1936 (75 years).

All filtered and thus not published persons have:

  • their names replaced by the text “(--- Privacy Filter ---)”;
  • all their known facts, dates and notes removed;
  • any comments received via the website hidden.

Just like other genealogists I exchange data with other genealogists. The above-mentioned rules apply for those exchanges as well. In other words, no personal data is exchanged of living persons, unless I have received their explicit permission.

It is possible for you to get in touch with living persons from my data. Please contact me and I will contact the person for you, passing on your contact data.

(August 2011)




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  • then click on Baby Photobook.

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